a shout out

I'm officially done with my CELTA course!  I couldn't be happier, really.  I had a great time and I'll miss my classmates for sure, but it's such a relief to have it done and be able to have a freer schedule now.  During this past week, I've wanted to give a lot of people credit for things they've done, so that's what today's post is about.  So here we go:
  • Firstly, a shout out to my fellow CELTees, because we did it!
  • A nice thank you to my Colombian housemate Andrés (the elder) for giving my wish to have mashed potatoes.  (Monday night, we were both sitting in the kitchen doing work and he decided to make some rice, meat, and potatoes for dinner.  He had extra, so I got some rice and potatoes with tomato sauce.  Simple but yummy.  And since I was still craving mashed taters after thinking about Thanksgiving, well, icing on the cake.)
  • A farewell to my other Colombian housemate Andrés (the younger), who is going back home on the 7th to report for his mandatory military service summons and try to get himself out of it because he's still a student.
  • A woo hoo for Pentatonix, the five-person a cappella group who won the Sing Off on Monday night!  I don't honestly know how they make so much sound when they only have five people.  And three of them are only 19 years old.  Daaaaamn kids, nice work.  Here's my favorite song of theirs:

Perhaps more indicative of their hip-hop style is this one:
But really you have to watch all their videos because in each performance they do something cool and different.  I look forward to hearing their record when it comes out!
  • Here's to all the Argentine women with beautiful long wavy hair down to their butts.  I'm suffering from a case of hair envy here, for sure.
  • A cheer for my dear miss Riley, who is now (or very very soon will be) a certified yoga instructor!  (Also she's so into what she's learning that she's teaching classes to her family and friends and coming home every day gushing about all the new info she's picked up...that's my girl.)
  • Another cheer for my dear miss Maria, who has by now (I believe) finished her clinicals for the semester and is one step closer to being the best nurse anyone's ever had!
  • A third hooray for my dear miss Jaycie, who is a few short days away from finishing the semester and getting her degree!  I'm so proud of you all, really.
  • A hallelujah for Costa Rica for overturning a law that would've allowed a Canadian company to open a really nasty gold mine close to the border with Nicaragua.  No environmental damage for them!
  • (on that note) A thank you to Marco, who shared this documentary with me:
You can watch the whole thing for free on Youtube if you follow this link: Home.  Woo!
That's all, folks!  (for now, anyway)  Sending love from a free woman in Argentina!

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