
You know me. I love photography. So my trusty camera and I will be taking more pictures than we can count. I'll try my best to post my best or favorite ones here so you can see what I see.

Snow in Salida the day before I leave!

  • Buenos Aires, the Argentine capital (including the Heart of the City bike tour and Presidenta Cristina Kirchner's inauguration day).
  • Snapshots of the last two days of my CELTA course at International House in Buenos Aires.
  • The Masa Crítica, or Critical Mass, massive bike ride through the streets of BsAs.
  • Recoleta Cemetery, rich man's graveyard and Evita's final resting place.
  • Tigre, riverside getaway.
  • Mar del Plata, beach resort town.
  • Mendoza, wine tours.
  • Parque Provincial Aconcagua, hiking by the tallest mountain in the Americas.
  • Iguazú, incredible waterfalls on the Argentine-Brazilian border.
Apparently I can't add any more pages for photographs; Blogger says I've reached my limit.  So photos from Patagonia will have to go in my regular blog posts, when I get the chance to upload them.  Keep an eye out for 'em!