Callie in the entryway at International House (IH).

From left to right, Peter, Greta, Liam, Roz, and Kate in our break room at IH.

Liam, Greta, Peter, Roz, and Kate in the break room at IH.

Callie, Brian, and Jess in the computer room at IH.

Maquis at the desk and Fran and Neil in their office at IH.

Alec and Liam in the upper-intermediate classroom at IH.

Greta, Fiona, Roz, Peter, and Kate in the break room at IH.

Greta, Brian, Roz, Aminah, Alec, Callie, and Neil in the pre-intermediate classroom for an afternoon input session at IH.

Fiona, Peter, and Jess at Don's for celebratory happy hour after class on the last Thursday of the course.

Roz, Fiona, Peter, Jess, Greta, and Aminah at Don's.

Group photo with the pre-intermediate class after the last lesson at IH.  Left to right, Yoon, Kate, Callie, Renee, Beatriz, Mirta, Ana Maria, Dolly, Greta, Liam, Octavio, Peter, and Fiona.

Another group photo.  Left to right, me, Kate, Beatriz, Callie, Dolly, Liam, Mirta, Ana Maria, Octavio, Karina, Aminah, and Greta.

Fiona and Liam biting into a cake that Beatriz brought for our class celebration at IH.

Cute, Kate.  (Brian, Peter, Kate, Fiona, Yoon)

All you need to look at in this one is Liam's face (third from left).

Celebration and snacks in the break room at IH.  (Peter, Fiona, Liam, Kate, Alec, Jess, Greta)

Jess pouring the champagne in the break room at IH.

Alec, Fran, and Neil in our champagne toast circle at IH.

Alec and Neil during our toast at IH.

Neil, Greta, Jess, and Peter in the champagne circle.

Kate showing us a picture of her cat Jemima.

Brian trying to block a photo...nice try.

Aminah and Jess in the break room at IH.

All photography copyright Kendall DeLyser.

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