Such a Tease

The clock blinks 6:58 PM, Wednesday night (though surely it will be later by the time I finish this post).  It is my last night in Australia before going to Indonesia, and as usual I've given myself too much to do.  Edit photos, pack, explore Perth, write emails, post photos, write a blog post, organize bank accounts, spend all my last Aussie cash, get ready for an international flight.  Oh, sleep would be good too.

Unfortunately, that lovely blinking clock tells me that I only have 11.5 hours to accomplish everything before I need to be on a bus to the airport.  So I think you can tell where I'm going with this; blog post will be short and sweet.

I just finished a month-long road trip from Darwin to Perth, taking in all the sights and sounds of Western Australia.  Truly an awesome place.  Our cozy group of 4 traveled over 8,000 km (almost 5,000 miles) together, and despite our myriad of mechanical and navigational problems, we had an amazing time.  I'd love to write more about it, but that's easiest with the photos to accompany the narrative, and the photos just aren't ready yet.  So.  This blog post will be such a tease that you'll have to come back and read about the trip in depth when I finally have the time to document it.  Without further ado, a few choice shots from our road trip.

Our journey on a map.
Keep River National Park.
Bungle Bungle/Purnululu National Park
Cathedral Gorge.
Emma Gorge.
Tunnel Creek National Park.
WA sunrise.
Oh-so-turquoise Indian Ocean.
Wacky team photo: (clockwise) Cory, Oliver, Vanessa, yours truly. 
First real sandcastle I've ever built!
 And now, off to pack and sleep and fly away to Bali :)