The Last of NZ

So my computer charger has decided to literally split in half.  Awesome.  This means I don't have much battery left but I wanted to try to fill y'all in on the past couple weeks, our last ones in New Zealand.  I'll let the pictures do most of the talking:

The Hooker Valley of Mt Cook National Park, on a moody day.
Hooker Lake with icebergs from the glacier.
Skipping rocks trying to hit icebergs.  Spot the rock.
Hiking up to Sealy Tarns, following a very rainy/snowy day.
This is what I wanted from Mt Cook.
Mt Cook playing hide-and-seek.
Of course it starts to clear as we drive away...
Moeraki Boulders.
Nugget Point lighthouse.
NZ's south coast is beautiful.
We went looking for sea lions in the sand dunes here.  Liking the Southern Scenic Route when it's not raining.
Campsite at Purakaunui Bay, which we finally found in the rain and the mud after heading down the wrong (very muddy) road and reversing all the way back up... the Catlins are not for the faint of heart, it would seem.
Purakaunui Falls.
Angry south coast.
Finally back in the beeches :)
Lake Monowai.
Our friend's dog Yuki just wanted some love.
I know this is a bit short on the narration, and I apologize.  If only my charger wasn't broken!  It's our last night in New Zealand (yikes!) so we're going to enjoy it before we have to fly away tomorrow.  Next update will come from Oz!  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO.
