Feliz Navidad!

Hello beloveds,

It's that big important day, but it hardly feels like it.  Argentines aren't particularly zealous in their celebration of Christmas, so the first time I heard any holiday songs or saw any Christmas lights was yesterday in Kristin's apartment as we were cooking ourselves a little holiday feast for ourselves and two friends, Irving (Costa Rica) and Mario (Buenos Aires).  Here's our snapshot from the evening:
We had a wonderful evening together, eating, drinking wine (including a bottle I brought from Mendoza), and talking.  With the exception of Mario, we're all far away from our families and I think we were all wishing we could be at home for the holidays, but since we can't be, we got to be each other's family away from family.

So far, Christmas Day has been pretty mellow.  I watched all the normal Christmas specials online: the Grinch, Rudolph, Frosty, and Charlie Brown.  It got me a bit more in the holiday spirit, but it's still a surreal day.  I'm getting on another bus in a few hours' time, this time rumbo a Iguazú Falls, so Christmas is almost done.  I think I'm more distracted by the idea that in a week, I'll be in Chile at CP, starting the biggest chunk of my South American adventure...so exciting!

I'll sign off by sending out my best wishes to every one of you.  I hope you're enjoying this day and the people around you, and the year to come is the best yet; I hope you're happy, that you feel peace and love, and that you have many adventures that await you.  Loving you xx

All photography copyright Kendall DeLyser.

1 comment:

  1. Very lovely setting you had that evening! I can see why you like that apartment - it has so much style and character! Looks like you found a wonderful way to celebrate!
