I made it even farther.

I've been back in little ole Salida for about a week and a half now...has it really been that long already?  And what do you mean it's only been a week and a half?  I've been busy with things since my return stateside...unpacking, visiting friends in Salida, a cameo appearance at CC for the Ellement concert and last weekend of college (reminded me of why I'm glad I'm not there anymore), heading back to work...yet at the same time, it feels like things in this small town have never changed, and it almost feels like I never left.  You mean I spent seven months south of the equator?  No way.

It's the typical feeling of returning after having gone somewhere new and different, and each time makes me relate to my home surroundings in a different way.  The more I travel, and the farther into obscure places I go, the more I lose touch with my old high school classmates, the ones that never left town and think of South America as some exotic place they've seen on a map but never contemplated more than that.  And the more I add new friends to my growing global community, the more I learn about humanity and what I love and hate about us homo sapiens.

For now, though, I'm sitting in the office at River Runners waiting for people to call and book a raft trip.  Since the phones usually die round this time of night, I'm catching up on emails and blog posts, trying to take my internet communications back into my own hands before I get all behind again next week...I start guide training on Monday and while I'm really excited to start spending more time on the river, I think my connectivity is going by the wayside once more.  I'll keep posting when I can, with fun river stories or news - and sooner or later, I'll get to those posts about Pumalin and my Baker trip too!  Until then, lots of love and happy summer!

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