week one.

I seem to have a habit of writing blog posts while I'm on the night phone shift at Runners.  I figure it's okay, though, as long as all my other tasks are done.  See, I think some people dislike the night shift because they have to be here until nine and they're all alone...but for me, especially now that I'm living out of a tent most of the time, and tents are short on electrical outlets and wifi, it's nice to have the (paid) time to sit in front of a computer and catch up.  And speaking of...

The first week of guide training is done, and what a tiring week it was.  We rafted Brown's Canyon twice a day, almost always battling upstream winds and a rock minefield.  The first day we got stuck on just about everything possible, and even some things that seemed impossible, but we've been improving rapidly and there's not one trainee who seems like they'll turn out to be a sucky guide.  Some have less confidence than others, but that comes from their levels of experience on the water to begin with.  I think we've been really lucky; there are fourteen of us training together and everyone is cool, learning well, making friends.  A sharp contrast to the rookie class last year, where a certain individual got on everybody's nerves.

Tomorrow we go on an overnight trip down Brown's and then head to our sister office in Canon City till the end of the week.  After that, our scheduled training time is over and it's up to us to get out on the river as much as we can to log the necessary practice hours to be able to qualify as guides.  Training has been fun and I've certainly learned a lot, but I'm looking forward to the weeks to come when training is over and I have a less regimented schedule...sleeping in has once again become a luxury.  As has a bed.

For now, though, I'm worn out and sore and happy.  And I'm reading The Hunger Games, which is really difficult to put down.  On that note, I'm going back to those entrancing pages, so until next weekend when I have time to get on the computer again, lots of love.


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