An observation

So, yes, it's currently 3:06 in the morning and I'm still awake.  I've been sitting at this same table at a restaurant in the Lima airport for the past...hmm...7 or 8 hours.  Yikes.  I think the people that work here are wondering what the crazy gringa is doing with her computer, her book, her headphones, and two backpacks.  Hey, it's a fair question (lucky for you all, I've been updating this blog, since I neglected it while I was off galavanting around in the mountains).

I'm about ready to pack it in and find a place to catch a couple zees before Carlos gets here with my other duffel bag that I left at his house when I departed Lima.  But as I was perusing my friend Louisa's blog, I realized I haven't done much reflecting about this trip thus far, and the rest of my plans for South America, or at least I haven't blogged about it.  So here's one little tidbit to make up for that: the sense of pride I get when I tell people what the next half year of my life is gonna look like.  You know, you meet new people in your travels, you always ask what they've done and where they're off to next, and they (hopefully) reciprocate the questions.  Everyone's got their interesting little story, and the most common response is that people are just traveling around through a few countries on the continent, which is awesome, and immediately links us as kindred spirits.  Even better is when you find someone who's got some other motive for being where they are, like volunteering or studying or working or whatever.  Proud to say that I fall into that category, generally.  True, Perú has been my playground, and I've been doing the usual touring about here, but then I think about what else I have ahead of CELTA course in Buenos Aires, and then let's not forget the long-awaited four months of work in Patagonia at CP.  That one is really the gi-frickin-normous cherry on top of the cake, and it gives me some other sense of connection to and ownership of my future and this place.  It's pretty cool to see peoples' facial expressions when CP comes up, because I know how I would feel if I met someone telling me that that was their plan.  JEALOUS.  And inspired.  So I'm doing my best to honor those feelings and live up to them.  Boom.  Ready, go.

Just had to share.  Thanks for listening.

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